For practitioners that want to run genetic testing or that have clients asking for help to make sense of a genetic report, I offer 60-minute training consultations.

These are ideal for identifying genetic weaknesses that can contribute to underlying root causes and often solve the missing piece of the puzzle.

My consultations will provide you with new factors to address with your patients, based on their specific genetic report. I’ll give an overview of my top recommendations to investigate further with your patient.

1-hour consultations are $250 and include:

  • Brief discussion of patient’s background:

    • Previous diagnoses

    • Current symptoms

    • What has and has not worked for patient

    • Current supplement list

    • Dietary restrictions for patient

  • Overview of patient’s genetic report

  • Top areas where genetic weaknesses are and how they relate to patient’s current situation

  • Recommended lab tests to run on your patient to confirm the genetic findings are expressing/problematic

  • Recording of consultation

I have an affiliate program for practitioners!

If you have any questions about ordering genetic test kits for your patients, please email

Genetic test kits can be drop shipped to your office or directly to your patient.

The interpretation software that I use is Functional Genomic Analysis. While this DNA cannot be used to diagnose disease, Functional Genomic Analysis™ software allows you to analyze the raw data, assess disturbances in body function, and design supportive protocols.

*Note: Current turnaround time for genetic test results is 6-10 weeks.